UPS Annual Review of the Healthcare Industry

18th February 2013

UPS’s latest review of the Healthcare Industry makes interesting reading. As supply chain consultants operating exclusively within the healthcare industry, we were not surprised to learn that managing supply chain costs has been a leading issue for healthcare decision makers for the past five years.
What is more surprising, however, if that each year, fewer than half the companies surveyed report success in addressing this concern.
In terms of statistics, UPS reports;

1) Costs have been a major issue in all of the five annual surveys that they have conducted
2) Costs are the number two issue overall and is the main concern for 60% of the respondents
3) Under 50% of respondents have been able to do something about it.

Over the last three years, Lime Associates has contributed to companies being able to commercialise their products in various regions around the globe (Europe, North America, Australia) by finding..

1) Fit for purpose logistics partners
2) Logistics partners with a known service standard
3) Logistics partners that have all of the relevant quality and regulatory systems in place to handle our client’s products and by conducting a rigorous Request for Quotation process so that companies can be compared for both price and quality.

Please contact us if we can help with your supply chain challenges on 0114 213 8306. You can also read a supply chain case study and download our supply chain Top Tips



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